Big T has been asking to take piano for a while and we were finally able to get him started. This is him with his amazing teacher Marci. He only had 3 lessons before this recital but he was so excited to do it and he did amazing of course. Grandma Carol had worked with him a little here and there so he played I am a child of God that he already new a little. He was perfect! So proud of him.
5 hours ago
Way to go T!!! And I agree, he is a little fox.
Congrats! to big T. I am so grateful to parents who encourage and allow and finance the 'arts' in their children's lives. Music and Art and dancing etc all bless each life and those around. Way to go John and Melanie....we love you!
Hooray for piano recitals...and that our kids are learning to play! =)
So PROUD of you Trent! I had no idea! It was so great to see you all yesterday.
You are so awesome Trent! Will you put on a recital for us when you come visit?! Can't wait to see you!!!
Great job T! Where's the video Mom?
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