Friday, April 23, 2010

ELA's (Early Light Academy) got Talent....

The kids school is having a talent show and Jason, Kelsie ad Trent wanted to try out. John worked with them for an afternoon helping them with chorigraphing their 1 minute try out. There were over 100 kids that tried out and they made it into the final 12 that will perform next week. We are so proud of them. They put alot of hard work and time into this. Enjoy the show!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Anyone tired of puppies yet?

Maybe a little, they are getting to be more work but I can never get tired of this....It just might be one of the cutest things I have found my kids doing. He just sat there for a long time watching those little girls play with each other. This is Jeffy looking in on 'puppytraz' as John calls it. I know it looks like quite a contraption. Our neighbors added the sweet cardboard the weekend they watched them for us. It just also happened to be the weekend they started getting out of their indoor 'playpen'.
Bella has been a great mom and it not very tolerant of letting them nurse anymore. But for this moment she allowed it and I love the leg up in the back I didn't even notice until I uploaded the pics.

They love to chase her all around the yard.

Johnny lovin on Pixie.

Hailie taking her time with them.

And yes, Puppies like slippers......

I loved this one of Roxie with her little tongue after a drink.

Foxie munchin on the bushes

Little Lola.....Awwww

Pixie Layin low.

Caution puppies at play

A little fun with the puppies...they love being outside!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some days you just need a little CHOCOLATE!

Hey all this is John, I have commandeered Melly's blog against her will tonight.

The kids and I were all out playing in the backyard for a couple hours. When we came in this is how I found Melly... She had mentioned earlier that she was craving some chocolate popcorn... You may notice that the chocolate landed on more than just popcorn tonight.
What we have here is chocolate popcorn in her hands, a frozen hot cocoa on the counter, the chocolate dipped pretzels drying under her watchful eye. The bowl for the home made Oreo cookies in the foreground and just out of the picture are the jug of chocolate chips and a keg of Swiss Miss hot cocoa. I may have missed something but you get the idea...

As we zoom in on the situation please notice the left had smudged with delicious melted chocolate and the cute little chocolate goatee.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Great Grandpa Egbert's 90th Birthday!

We had a great weekend in Twin Falls to celebrate John's Grandpa's 90th birthday. This is not a great picture but here he is...what a cutie! This is at the dinner at Golden Corral, his favorite restaurant. Then Saturday there was an open house party for family and friends and on Saturday we all did a temple session with family names. What a great time. Saturday morning we went and spent the day in Kimberly at Amy's house and the Kings (in-laws) invited the kids over to hike the canyon and ride horses. All of the kids were in heaven. Nick got a new bike so John got to ride his old one and the two of them and Hailie had a great ride! I like a man in Chaps especially if they have fringe!

Grandma Carol and Jeffy down in the canyon behind Kings house.

Jeffy and cousin Sara enjoying a little one on one time.

Hailie was so in her element here! Horses and motorcycles. Can you say heaven!!Hailie and Kelsie crossing the creek.

Trent 'fishing'

Hailie and cousin Emily. Hailie was galloping that horse all over the mountain side as though she'd been riding all her life! I couldn't believe it!
Kelsie and Jason

Jason loved to ride as well.

I couldn't believe Kelsie either....she was a natural!
Thanks Kings and Raigers for hosting a great day for all of us!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Puppy Love...

Yea, I know I am a little obsessed with these little cuties. Anyone that knows me will also know that this is a little crazy coming from me. I have to say these four little girls have been a much needed distraction for me right now I might even have to call them a blessing! Thanks Ladies!! Left to right...Roxie, Pixie, Lola and Foxie each of them have such great personalities and I love them all for different reasons. Only 4 more weeks and they will be ready to go to their new homes.....what's a girl to do?

More Hap-Ki-Do testing

Kelsie testing for her black belt and Jason for his 2nd dan black belt. We missed the last test and Master Lim was kind enough to hold a private one the these two. It really is kind of a treat to get one and one time with him. He is great to help the kids with form and really help them understand the importance of doing it correctly. Both did very well and are excited to move on!