Sunday, September 20, 2009

The last Panama

Here is our last boating trip of the season. This move is generally the finale to every boating outing. Our kids named it the Panama in honor of the movie Sahara. It is their favorite thing to do. And we typically end up doing it over and over.


Josh and Erika Thorne Family said...

What a great finale! I loved it haha!!

Tricky Trix said...

I would do a 'Panama', if I was that young!

xr440dude said...

You're done with boating for the season already? Since you like being at the lake so much you should move to a warmer climate! LOL!

Speer Family said...

Why isn't Jeffy doing Panama? Love it!

Roxanne said...

oh, I remember doing the panama! Those were some fun boating memories. Now that your summer is over, you need to come to AZ so you can continue with the fun! We miss you guys.