Thursday, June 4, 2009

My little helper and other Conover Caos

Jeffy and I decided to make some of Grandma Dille's famous banana sponge cookies...Yummy. Jeff is a great helper and what would cookies be without licking the beater when finished? (Notice his batter stalactite on his nose and chin....he's got skills. We have had a crazy busy few weeks (or Months) with school getting out and our temple getting ready to open. Our Youth have been involved in the oquirrh Mountain temple celebration witch was held at the conference center down town. What an awesome experience for them and us. It was like a huge dance festival with our whole temple district. Our stake did and Asian themed dance. Hailie was a fan dancer and Jason was in the choir. Our boys did Asian drums...well the whole thing was amazing. We are supposed to get a dvd of the event. We are looking forward to that. We are also going this Saturday as a family to the temple open house.

Our new neighbors have this little dirt bike for their girls....well the first day they pulled it out our kids went crazy and had a blast. Here is Hailie and Jeffy on their bikes.
Kelsie the little speed demon couldn't get enough and ended up crashing and getting scraped up pretty good complete with road-rash on her chin arm and shoulder and a nice gash in her shin.....yet she was ready to go again the next day. Yep, she must have Sorensen blood runnin' in those veins.

Here is Kelsie in her end of the year recorder was actually quite good.


Speer Family said...

K totally could not figure out that that was Hailie sitting on that dirtbike. What's up with the wife beater?? Love ya hails!!

Hoffmann Family said...

I love the pic of Jeffrey, my kids always have to lick the beaters too!

xr440dude said...

No helmet and a wife-beater! Looks like half the riders on the Phoenix streets (except far, far cuter!) All your kids are awesome!


HEY! My word verification at entering this message is "WAKIN TIC". I think the definition is a small spasm while dreaming of wake-boarding. How apropos!

Melly said... I have to tell ya'll what's up with Hailie's wife beater. So just to clairify she had just come back from swimming and that is over her suit.'s not the new style were promoting around here!

Tricky Trix said...

Hailie looks BEAUTIFUL in her Asian dress. I can't wait to see the concert DVD. I read about it on Love to you all!

Roxanne said...

Sweet pics! You all look like you're having fun. Hailie, I'm jealous you got to do a chinese fan dance! You look beautiful. Jeffy is adorable of course, and go Kelsie--way to be tough. Enjoy that green grass...that's the one thing I REALLY miss. We miss you guys tons and love ya lots!

Annie and Family said...

You always have a party going on at your house. How fun and I loved Jason's cake.

skdesertfun said...

Bikes rule!