So my Grandpa is any amazing gardener and has flowers galore. My mom brought me two geraniums from his green house last spring and they were so beautiful in my flower boxes last year. At the end of the summer my mom happened to be visiting and showed me how to get starts off them. So here are my starts 5 months later all ready to be moved to bigger pots! I love them and am so excited to have them in my yard again this summer. My awesome laundry room is the perfect greenhouse for these little beauties. Lots of room and sun and totally out of the way. Thanks for all your help mom. It's nice, I feel like I have a little of my cute 90 year old grandpa in my yard...yea that sounded a little weird but you get what I'm sayin' right? ;0)
1 week ago
yeah Geramiums. I love them too, but all my froze this month! So sad.
NIICE! Me likey!
Wow! That's way fun! I was sad to throw all mine out after those pesky gnats got into them. Yours look beautiful.
I'm trying not to be jealous! I was just too tired to bring all mine in last fall and they look all scarey and halloweeny in my snow covered gardens outside. I look forward to enjoying yours when we come in April. Way to go grampa Bruno! Way to go Trix and WAY TO GO MELANIE! lov mom
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