Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Day Sledding.

My fabulous brother Eric and his amazing wife host a great sledding party every year. This was of course no exception. We had Angie and her family here for Christmas as well as my sibling that live close. So much FUN. We went up Spanish Fork canyon and found a side road and set up on the side of the mountain. There was a lot of deep snow that all had to be packed for sledding. John, Eric and the other spent a lot of time carving out a run and making a jump. Eric brought his huge fire pit along with Hot coco and Alisyn made yummy biscotti. What a great day. I think the sun was nearly down before we left. It's hard to leave a great party! Angie and I ran the 'Car for Coldies' or whimps. Me included ;)

John and Eric susing out the trail...look how deep that snow is.

Our lovely photographer....Alisyn.

Eric after a snowy run.

The gang

Kam and Kai getting ready for some coco.

abominable snowman Trent

Kelsie enjoying the sun

Justin with a couple Cling-ons.


Tricky Trix said...

Oh, it looks like you had so much fun!

Speer Family said...

OMGosh! I'm laughing so hard at Justin's "cling ons" at least you didn't say "dingle berries" :)

That was a super great day. Sad that we don't live closer. BTW Jeffy's cake was AMAZING!!

Annie and Family said...

Wow and burrr

xr440dude said...

Yay snow!