Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Jeff!

My little Jeffy is 4. I can't believe how fast the time goes. We had a great birthday and he picked a pirate cake. I have to admit this was one of my favorites to make. He had a lot of fun helping me. He had been asking all day "when do I get to put on the cannon balls and pirates?

Sadly by the time we did his little family party the 'Mighty Cracken' had gotten to his boat.

Happy Birthday BIG boy!


xr440dude said...

That's the coolest cake! Nice work.

Happy B-day, Jeffy!

Annie and Family said...

Holy cow that is a sweet cake! Happy birthday kiddo!

mom C said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG JEFFY. Sure was great to see you for that short time.....and Melly, you are quite the 'cake mom' that was some great cake...Once I was in a hurry (Ithink it was for John's third birthday and I was `luck to get a cake made and stuck one of his toys in a pic of it somewhere....he liked it just fine! Funny little critters, our kids. I truly loved the pirate cake.. lov mom

Tricky Trix said...

OH MY GOSH! You are a genius cake maker. Wonderful cake. I love it.