Monday, March 19, 2012

Bingham Prom

 Brad and Hailie had a great weekend at Bingham High Prom.  They had a great group of friends and had a blast.  Limo, dinner, prom and after party at a club house complete with chocolate fondue bar!

Bradley getting his answer for Prom
Hailie's room after getting asked to Prom
Brad and Angie

Ashley was awesome and came to do Hailies's hair

The dolls
The gang

A little bit of fun

The guys

Limo time for Brad and Angie

Hailie and Braden
Bro and sis Limo party (with dates of course)

City lights


Speer Family said...

So Awesome!! They all look great!!

Roxanne said...

Ahhh, the memories of Prom! Everyone looked awesome and it seemed like they were having a great time. That's cool.

Annie and Family said...

Lookin' Good kiddos. Melanie way to go on the dress! You are amazing!

xr440dude said...

Looks like you dun it right!

mom C said...

Oh, such beautiful grandchildren....can I just say our's are the cutest in the world! Lookin' good Brad and Hailie............lov gma C

The Tiffany's said...

that sounds fun! they are all so gorgeous!