( If you can't read it click on it to make it bigger)
OK...So Trent brought this home from school today. It is a safety poster draft that I am supposed to approve. Well now this is just plain wrong on a few levels ;) Do you think I should approve it? Is this what the school is teaching now? Well we had a good laugh this morning.
Oh my... I'm laughing my butt off. I love that kid! Can't wait to see you!!
YEAH TRENT for being an A student. That IS funny, but I get the point. See how unspecific our language is? Have a great day. Luvs
Yes! Everyone should have a bong and stash in a handy glass-front case that reads "Break Glass In Case Of Earthquake!"
That's funny, right there...I don't care who you are!
hello, cuz! i got your website off your Mom's, i love staying in touch this way.
this is so funny, it made me think of a funny April Fool's Day joke Kenna's 6th grade teachers played on their students. they had needed Kenna's help as the Principal to make it more believable. of course, it's funnier to hear it straight from Kenna but i will give you the gist of it.
you know how they are always practicing fire, earthquake and other such drills, well they had Kenna announce that they were to start practicing a "Flood" drill. so the teachers told everyone to pick up all their books and stuff and stand on top of their desks holding them above their heads. i wish i could have been there to see it, Kenna just said it was so hilarious.
so maybe Trent was just confussed between what to do for a flood vs an earthquake:)
oh that is too funny! but how did he know that's the best way to survive an earthquake?! ;0)
Nice Trent! At least the drawing isn't of him hiding under a glass top table. Ha ha
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