Sunday, August 25, 2013


I have been wanting to paint this green wall for well over a year now. Can you see why it took me so long??  I told John I wouldn't make him help me paint it again for at least two more years Ü  He is such a good sport. 
Bye, bye. You were a good color for a moment. 


Trix said...

Wow, its looking good. I hope you can live with it for a while. I sure wouldn't want to be up on those ladders!

mom C said...

I thought you were leaving that one splotch for a conversation starter.....:) Way to go John you really are a good kid! Lucky Melly got my Johnny! lov mom

Jared, Lindsay, and Trae said...

Love the color Mel!! Looks gorgeous! Perfect color to go with those new couches you were telling me about a few months ago ;)