Friday, November 25, 2011

Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman...

Last Sunday we woke up to a bit of very WET snow and after church Jeff couldn't wait to get out and play. Everyone else was hungry and tired so he went out all by himself. After a minute I noticed he was rolling snow balls and then making a snowman. He was so cute out there finding sticks to use as eyes, arm and anything else that needed marking. He would very carefully twist them into place then step back to check it out. Here he is with his final observance {look at the great smile of approval on his face} LOVE it!

Then he was off to come and tell us all about it.

He was so happy to pose with his master piece

Trent was happy to go see it in person


The Tiffany's said...

too cute!

Roxanne said...

ok, that is awesome! I can just see Jeff doing all of that and being so into getting that snowman just right!